Fires ravaged 66,000 hectares of France in 2022 – almost eight times more than the annual average for the previous 15 years. 

Source: Le Monde
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Global heating means dryer forests and landscapes across Europe. And that’s why French wildfires are getting worse in intensity, severity, size and duration, with increasing effects on the environment, health, property and wildlife. 

Wildfires will happen, but we're doing our bit to reduce both their likelihood and their damage. 

With our geospatial analytics partner Kayrros, we’ve developed a state-of-the-art wildfire risk evaluation engine that takes wildfire prediction to an increased level of accuracy.  

While some risk forecast services rely on increasingly unreliable historical data to predict wildfires, ours uses a combination of the latest hi-res satellite imagery, geolocation signals, weather and climate data to provide measurement of risk and insights to fully understand your exposure to wildfire. 

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